Who do you talk to when you have an issue or difficult decision at work? Who is there to listen, counsel and encourage you? My experience in the City was that senior management were usually focussed on appraisal (deciding what people got paid and whether they got promoted) rather than coaching and support.
Someone who has been in similar situations during a 25-year business and investing career, who understands the subtleties and practicalities of your situation and the challenges you may be facing.
Someone who doesn't have their own agenda or self-interest to protect.
A safe space where you can air your concerns and acknowledge any difficulties & weaknesses without fear of being judged or marked down as a consequence.
Rarely do senior executives get praised for doing things well or exceeding expectations - they are expected to provide their own motivation. Yet we all know how well everyone responds to positive feedback and encouragement, regardless of seniority and experience.
Work colleagues or buddies can provide great support but they are busy people and may not have time to listen and discuss your situation when you need them.